Monday, 18 June 2012

Scottish independence: what would the international consequences be?

Scottish independence: what would the international consequences be?

1-With regards to the EU, would other member states welcome Scotland within their group?

It was first believed that some other European countries would veto the membership on the grounds of their own nationalist movements which they would not want to encourage. For instance Spain would not want want Catalonia or the Basque country to follow suit. However Spain and other EU member states have confirmed that they would not veto a Scottish membership.

2-The legallity of membership.

Legally the UK is a member state. Experts seem to think that Scotland would not automatically gain membership upon independence and would need to go through the process all over again. What about the remaining UK though? It could be argued that they may also be considered a new country and would need to re-apply for membership. In that instance, this could be the perfect opportunity for re-negotiation of membership or leaving the EU altogether.

3-What would the people of Scotland want?

Would the Scottish people want to be part of the EU? Is the whole point of the nationalist movement not INDEPENDENCE? Why leave one union to join another? Another subject is the one of currency. The opponents of the euro always argued that there cannot be common currency where there is no fiscal union. if they are consistent they are likely to refuse to share the pound sterling with an independant Scotland. The euro does not seem a likely choice given its current woes. How practical would it be, however, to create a new currency from scratch? On these 2 issues of membership and currency the new Scottish government would certainly need to have another referendum.

4-Relationship with the wider world.

Scotland would need to negotiate a new seat at the UN and would certainly be expected to contribute to the IMF. They would also need embassies and consulates all over the world staffed with a new Scottish diplomatic service. They will also need to establish their own passport system and have their own customs and borders officials. The cost of implementing all these changes and paying all these new public servants would certainly be very high. The remainder of the UK would have a smaller GDP. It would possibly no longer be part of the G8 and would not be seen as a major world player anymore. It would lose whatever influence and power it still has in our instable and changing world.

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